Translation Technology in Translation Classes
de: Rodica Dimitriu, FREIGANG, Karl-Heinz
Publicat de: Editura Institutul European
Anunta-ma cand revine pe stoc!Volumul Translation Technology in Translation Classes (Utilizarea tehnologiei computerizate la cursurile de traducere) reuneste o serie de contributii pe aceasta tema apartinand unor cadre didactice si traductologi de la prestigioase universitati europene care ofera programe de traducere la nivel de licenta si masterat. Subiectul este de stringenta actualitate, tinind cont de discrepanta care inca mai persista intre predarea "traditionala" a traducerii si conditiile de desfasurare a muncii de traducator din zilele noastre. Nu in ultimul rind, publicatia de fata se doreste a fi un sprijin in (re)organizarea curiculara a programelor de traducere in acord cu dezvoltarea fara precedent a noilor tehnologii si vizeaza, in ultima instanta, apropierea procesului de predare invatare din universitati de realitatile de pe piata muncii ale profesiei de traducator. Translation Technology in Translation Class addresses trainers who are involved in translation programmes, professional translators who need to improve their ICT skills and translation trainees who can thus get better acquainted with the new technology-related disciplines and have free access to the on-line courses provided on the website of the eCoLoTrain LEONARDO project ( The papers presented in this volume give evidence of the fact that today a considerable number of teachers in professional translation training are aware of the challenges posed by the growing influence of information and communication technology. They are also an attempt to narrow the gap between the disciplines that have been traditionally taught in such programmes and the computer-related skills that are required from professional translators nowadays. They show that the translation trainers' community is facing these challenges more and more in the effort of orienting the training towards the theoretical and practical necessities of the translation profession
General | |
Anul | 2008 |
Autor | Rodica Dimitriu, FREIGANG, Karl-Heinz |
Categorii | Invatare Limbi Straine, Limba Engleza, Carti |
Editura | Editura Institutul European |
ISBN | 978-973-61-1521-9 |
Pagini | 210 pagini |