Postcards. The Horizontal Newspaper. The Last Five Years, 2019–2023

de: Dan Perjovschi


Publicat de: Curtea Veche

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Ziarul Orizontal este o școală de text și imagine, critică și incluzivă.

O nouă ediție este inaugurată anual, odată cu Festivalul Internațional de Teatru de la Sibiu. Tot ce desenez pe pereții muzeelor de artă din toată lumea aduc la Sibiu, pentru concetățenii mei. Ziarul are „rubrici“ diverse (local, global, cultural, social, politic, activist), pe care le actualizez constant de-a lungul anului. Edițiile morphează dintr-una într-alta.

Am început Ziarul Orizontal în 2010, ca pe o panoramă a societății în care trăiesc. Alb, negru, manifest.

Ziarul este gratuit și accesibil 24 de ore pe zi, 7 zile pe săptămână, 12 luni pe an. Zi, noapte, iarnă, vară.

A fost singurul proiect artistic rămas deschis pe perioada pandemiei.

Dan Perjovschi

The Horizontal Newspaper is a school of text and image, critical and inclusive.

Every year, the Sibiu International Theatre Festival brings with it a new edition of the Newspaper. Everything that I draw on the walls of art museums across the world I bring to Sibiu for my fellow citizens. The Newspaper has various “columns” (local, global, cultural, social, political, activist), which I update continuously throughout the year. Its editions thereby morph from one into another.

I began the Horizontal Newspaper in 2010, with the intention of providing an overview of the society in which I live and breathe. Black, white – a manifesto.

The Newspaper if free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 month a year. Night and day, rain or shine.

It was the only art project that remained open during the pandemic.

Dan Perjovschi

Dan Perjovschi

Internationally acclaimed artist and political activist DAN PERJOVSCHI (b. 29 October 1961, Sibiu, Romania) covers surfaces worldwide—walls, windows, ceilings, doors, floors—with his trenchant, terse cartoons, criticizing current geo-political, social, and cultural crises and customs almost as fast as they form.

He began developing his practice on the walls of his own apartment in the early 1980s, when the regime of Nicolae Ceausescu forced him to keep his subversive wit under cover. With the 1989 Romanian revolution, in which he participated, he was unleashed. For Perjovschi, everything is fair game, from the Occupy Wall Street Movement to the hierarchies of the art world to the apparent decline in the quality of Finnish men’s sperm. In his words: “Europe is one of my subjects. Everything else is the other. I look, understand, and visually translate local and global issues. […] I am more time-specific than site-specific.”

Anul 2023
Autor Dan Perjovschi
Categorii Biografii / Memorialistica, Arta / Cultura, Carti
Editura Editura Curtea Veche
ISBN 5948492410172
Pagini 70 pagini

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