Freckled and red-haired, young Poil de Carotte lives with his tyrannical mother, an indifferent, often-absent father and a brother and sister who love to play pranks.
Read the story of his adventures to see how our hero manages to get by!
La maltraitance faite aux enfants, où commence-t-elle ?
General | |
Autor | Jules Renard |
Categorii | Fictiune, Invatare Limbi Straine, Limba Franceza, Carti in Limbi Straine, Literatura universala, Literatura franceza, Carti in Limba Franceza, Carti |
Editura | Editura Cideb |
ISBN | 9788853018410 |
Limba | Franceza |
Format | Softcover |
RECENZII Poil de carotte de Jules Renard
Nu exista inca nicio recenzie scrisa!