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de: Hans Fallada


Publicat de: Editura Cideb

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Berlin, 1940. Otto and Anna Quangel write dangerous postcards, distributing them to houses across the city. They want to rouse and warn the Germans: Hitler has been in power for too long, and war would mean the end of Germany. The couple risk their lives with this tiny act of resistance. Will Kommissar Escherich find out who’s behind the postcards? Who can help him? And who’s helping the Quangels?

Hans Fallada
Berlin in der Nazizeit
Roman und Wahrheit

Autor Hans Fallada
Categorii Fictiune, Invatare Limbi Straine, Limba Germana, Carti in Limbi Straine, Literatura universala, Literatura germana, Carti in Limba Germana, Carti
Colectie Lesen und uben
Editura Editura Cideb
ISBN 9788853018458
Limba Germana
Format Softcover

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